Being able to trade the office for the freedom to work from home seems like a desirable goal for 2020, right? But how to find the right remote job?

A remote job gives you the possibility to work anywhere. Schedule flexibility. Avoid daily commuting and traffic. More time for projects. Work-life balance and more time for the family. Avoid stress and distractions in the office. The list of benefits does not seem to end…, however, finding an ideal remote situation is not so easy.

Remote employment is an adjustment to personal lifestyle and work style, and this requires some research and self-reflection. A remote job can bring some loneliness, due to the absence of social interaction. It can lead to overwork due to the difficulty between dividing home and professional life. Lack of motivation and limited team activities can bring some challenges when you consider remote employment that may not be for everyone.

But not all companies that offer this type of job are the same, so if you are considering this professional transition, here are 5 tips on how to find the ideal remote job.



If you’re still reading, you’re probably ready to break into the virtual gates of the world of remote employment. Still, where to look?

With the evolution of technology and, unfortunately with the major or minor adjustments to the pandemic situation, many companies have increased their offer of remote solutions which resulted in a greater number of positions available for remote employment. However, looking for a remote job may be different than looking for a traditional job. Companies had to adapt very quickly to the new “normal” and the usual job search sites, such as Indeed or LinkedIn may not yet reflect this change when posting vacancies. You may have to dedicate a little more time to your online search and make more use of keywords like “remote”, or “virtual”, or “cloud”. Take advantage of online communities through social media and add company profiles to your “see first” list. Make sure you have your Facebook notifications on. Companies that are betting on the remote job variant will, for sure, advertise their vacancies on all communication platforms that they have at their fingertips. As is the case with Teleperformance, which has several contents available on remote work and, specifically, on the new TP Cloud Campus platform.

Emotional intelligence

Companies look for people with specific qualities and skills when recruiting for remote positions. Don’t be surprised if the interviewer seems really interested in talking about you as a person. Diversity and multiculturally are valued. In the case of Teleperformance, a multicultural company, where you can encounter 95 nationalities, diversity is celebrated with many initiatives and programs like TP Women. You may be communicating with team members in San Francisco, New Delhi, London or Paris on the same day. Remote employers need to trust that each team member will do their job and with quality. Talk about yourself, about your interests and tastes so that you can show who you really are. In a virtual context, qualities such as empathy, good communication, social skills, among others, can be essential to being able to work from anywhere you live.


In an interview for a remote job, it never hurts to ask how the company is dedicated to this variant and what systems are created and implemented to accommodate remote workers and how initial training programs are organized. How are new employees welcomed remotely? How is the necessary training given? How will you get to know your colleagues and what activities are done to enhance teamwork? If the company has managed to adapt to virtual hosting, it is the first sign that it is prepared for this type of job and that you are in the right place!

Keyword: social interaction 

Social interaction is extremely important in the work environment: Exchanging ideas with colleagues, relaxing during a coffee break, sharing suggestions for series and films during lunchtime, are important habits for any healthy work environment. However, being able to adapt social interaction to the virtual world may not be simple. It is therefore essential that you look for a remote job in a company that invests in technology and that has access to the appropriate software so that even from a distance you can feel integrated into the team and part of it. As well as a flexible company that respects the balance between personal and professional life and offers online activities, with the priority of uniting teammates to enhance trust and proximity between them.

Motivation and management – Motivational quotes alone won’t fuel you forever.

Not having the boss constantly telling you what to do, controlling your timings on your own can be more complicated to manage than it appears. You must know how to control your time and know how to motivate yourself. However, you mustn’t work alone. Make sure that you find a company that has an organized structure that can help guide your work as well as motivates you. Whether through weekly meetings by video call, using platforms to facilitate the understanding of deadlines and knowing that you have someone to turn to when you are not able to give your maximum or when you have difficulties in achieving what you want.

If you have started your search for a remote job now or if you need more information about the new “normal” in the workplace, check the TP Cloud Campus website and find out about all the opportunities we have for you in the virtual world on

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