When you apply for a job, what you fear the most is the cover letter?

All the knowledge you have and the coffee you had a few minutes ago don’t seem very useful when it’s time to convince the company that you are the ideal person for the job. Don’t worry, we have some tips that will help you make the perfect cover letter!

Do not “recycle” your resume

The repetition of information in cover letters is a common mistake. However, we should not simply write our CV, but present ourselves as people, highlighting our skills and in what situations did we acquire these skills. For example, “I learned to deal with difficult customers because I worked with about 15 customers from different areas.”

Customize your cover letter

It is important to have an adequate letter to each vacancy we apply. When looking for a job, it is normal to apply for several vacancies, however it is important for the recruiter to see that the letter he’s reading was made only for that vacancy and not “mass-produced.” Regarding the layout, this should be similar to the CV, the same colours, font, something that shows your personality.

Think about what you can do for the company

It is common to think of the benefits that the vacancy “x” can bring to our lives. However when writing a cover letter, we have to take into account that who receives it wants to know why we are the best option, that is, what can we do for the company, what sets us apart from the rest. When writing the cover letter, highlight what skills you have that are useful to the company, how you can help it grow and get further.

Mention a similar work experience

This is a very important point! Include in your letter experiences that make you ideal for the position in question. Choose at least 3 skills that you consider to be your strengths. For each one, brainstorm some projects, tasks or responsibilities that illustrate your experience in the area in question. Thus, that way the recruiter realizes that you can be a valuable resource for the company, because you have already proved that you have what it takes.

State the reason for which you decided to apply

Whoever reads your cover letter has to realize the reason why you want the job. What made you apply? Why this company and not others? These are questions you must answer. Show your passion for the area, show the desire to grow and contribute to achieve the company’s goals. Skills and experiences are very important, but your attitude, determination and willingness to contribute is what distinguishes you from other candidates with similar skills.

Prove that you know the company

You have to show that you know the company, that you researched it and, more importantly, that you identify yourself with it and would integrate well in the organizational culture. Why is this important? The research each candidate makes about the company is valued because it shows interest. Those responsible for hiring people want the chosen candidate to identify and support the values and mission of the company and to integrate well the team. So now you know, put down some information about the company, something that relates to the way you think, something you admire.

Do not go beyond a page

Imagine that you are the one who is hiring and you have hundreds of CVs to analyse, will you have time to read a 4 page CV? The answer is probably no. It is important that you summarize well the information, including only the most important points, which must be skills and experiences that are relevant to the position you’re applying for.

Now that you know what to do, apply for your dream job. Go ahead and good luck!

Start now, you have below some vacancies that may interest you.

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