The historical sea connection between Portugal and the Netherlands was only the beginning of a relationship between our two countries. Currently, there is much more than that.
To deepen the associations and economic development, there has been an increasing offer of jobs for Dutch people in Portugal.
Jobs in Portugal
Portugal is one of the most popular holiday destinations. However, it is increasingly becoming a first choice to live and work. There are several reasons. We will list some of them:
According to the 2022 report of the Institute for Economics & Peace, Portugal is the 6th safest country in the world to live in, in a list of 163 countries.
Climate conditions
Portugal benefits from a very attractive climate for many immigrants. The truth is we have warm temperatures in most months of the year.
Cost of living
Compared to other countries of the European Union, the cost of living in Portugal is seen as affordable by many immigrants.
Career opportunity
Given the shortage of top professionals in some areas, there are more and more Portuguese companies looking for foreign professionals to perform certain functions. Teleperformance is one of those examples: check out this Dutch job offer.

Dutch jobs in Portugal: what do we have in common?
At first glance, there are many more similarities between Portugal and the Netherlands than might be seen. These go far beyond the fact that both countries are good at football. Even though, both have been European football champions—the Netherlands in 1988 and the Portuguese team, led by Cristiano Ronaldo, in 2016.
The defence of human rights, individual freedoms, pacifism, international justice, and the environment are other fields in which Portugal and the Netherlands walk hand in hand.
The good economic period Portugal is experiencing brings legitimate hope for improving the situation for the 11 million Portuguese who live in the westernmost tip of Europe, so popular amongst tourists and immigrants.