A company’s team should always be considered its most valuable asset.

The company must invest in the training of the whole team in order to esteem them and to develop the skills of each individual, this way contributing to the development and professional fulfillment of each one.
Companies must invest in their employees in order to build a strong and innovative organizational culture that accepts not only the strong points but also the not so strong points of each team member so that all the areas can be worked on. Investing in training is a way to value every person who belongs to the company and give everyone the possibility to grow within it.

At Teleperformance Portugal, investing in each member of our great team is one of the factors that ensures our success. In addition to job opportunities and career progression programmes at TP we also have our Training department, which is responsible for setting up accessible and free training sessions and courses for the whole team.

From Portuguese language courses, Excel training courses, and innovative training programmes, at TP we make sure that all our employees have the necessary tools for their professional development and career progression within the company.


Our most recent training programme is the Six Sigma Training. It is an innovative programme aimed at giving the entire team knowledge of sales techniques and process optimization in the company. TP Portugal was the first one to implement in-person training.


Six Sigma is a Teleperformance Group strategy and has proven its worth over and over again! The training covers 7 important sales techniques and is made up of several modules, where the Lean methodology tools and the principles of the Theory of Constraints are discussed.

The training and development of the team should be a responsibility shared by all employees, regardless of the position in the company. When properly planned and implemented, it brings benefits to the company and each member of the team.

Invest in your future career and find out the job opportunities we have for you!

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