The business world is constantly changing and it is, today, a pole of attraction of talent. Talented people that come from all over the world and who, without a doubt, seek to be happy, to be integrated and, above all, to feel like they belong.

Is it possible, in this context, to get to work and listen to multiple languages, learn different cultures and ignore geopolitical conflicts while we feel safe and like we belong?

Yes. Although it sounds like a utopia, the truth is that this reality of work exists and is closer than you can imagine. At Teleperformance Portugal this is exactly what happens.

As soon as we enter one of the company’s service centers, our eyes inevitably leap from flag to flag. The colors are so many that we play a mental game to see where each country is. Poland in the background, next to Holland. Further north we see Italy, Czech Republic and France. And suddenly we find Greece. And Turkey. And Cyprus. All together. Countries with a centennial conflict between them, nationalities that have been at war for almost 100 years but still feel the pains of the conflict, an island divided in two, with a zone occupied by the United Nations to avoid confrontations. All together in the same space? Yes, there are no confrontations here. Each one takes its place and there is no will to conquer the territory of the colleague on the side. We can even say they are friends! They exchange music tips, traditional food from their country, dine together and even celebrate the important days of each one’s culture.

In an interview for the Portuguese Diário de Notícias newspaper, in October 2018, Pedro Gomes, Chief Operations Officer of Teleperformance Portugal, acknowledges that the challenge of building a healthier and diversity-promoting society is now being taken to companies:

Pedro Gomes, Teleperformance Portugal

“To grow intelligently and sustainably, integrating and worrying about including foreigners has to be one of the priorities of the actors who, every day, build a society where, even if they do not speak the same language, people understand each other. In Teleperformance Portugal, along with Portuguese collaborators, we see a new map of countries, where there is no place for geopolitical conflicts or conflicts between nationalities, putting aside the differences exacerbated by the leaders of the respective countries.”

An example of this new reality is the testimony of Simgke M.Piskioul. The Teleperformance Portugal’s employee is Greek and is part of the Turkish team. She can speak the language because inherited half of her nationality from Turkish relatives. To this day she was confused by her origin.

Simgke M.Piskioul, Turqia

“I grew up in my country always hearing bad things about the Turkish and I know that they also hear not very nice things about Greeks. I have always had to choose a side and explain that I am Greek but I have a Turkish name. Here at Teleperformance is the first time that I personally assume my full Greek and Turkish identity. We are like a family, a great family, and for the first time in my life that I really have a sense of belonging. “

Feeling like we belong, of being in the right place with the right people. A feeling transversal to all this team that works in Teleperformance Portugal.

If you want to join this team , find the rigth job opportunity here: Teleperformance Portugal

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