Teleperformance - Work abroad

2018 was another year of phenomenal growth to Teleperformance Portugal!

Teleperformance has occupied the three remaining floors in the City Center, now proudly occupying the building in its entirety, and have opened two new buildings, the Centrum and the Open, creating an additional capacity for 2100 jobs.

Meanwhile, we have occupied the TP Douro in Oporto and we continue to use all of the TP Atlântico, Oceanário, and Nations (all at the Parque das Nações in Lisbon), City Center 2, Infante Santo, downtown Setúbal, and Covilhã. By the end of the year, we aim to transfer our colleagues from Estefânia to one of our other contact centers in Lisbon and keep Estefânia as a center for training and business continuity. In addition to these 12 Teleperformance buildings, we also provide services from Campanhã, in Porto, the Edifício América in Lisbon, and the facilities of other customers.

Adding to the impressive array of brands we were already serving, this year we also earned the trust of some of the world’s largest companies and today we have the ongoing challenge of creating a one-of-a-kind customer experience for many of the most iconic and sophisticated global brands.

Together we are already 10.000 professionals, colleagues and friends, from 86 nationalities, providing services in 36 languages and dialects.

Over this year, we will have many new features: more training, development, many new and exciting projects and career opportunities. Looking at our business opportunities and our execution capacity, Teleperformance future has never looked as promising as it does now at the end of 2018. We have the best customers in the world, the best team in the market, and we are in the right place at the right time.

Congratulations on a great 2018! We are counting on everyone for a 2019 full of challenges, enthusiasm, and lots of adrenaline!

João Cardoso, CEO of Teleperformance in Portugal and Chief R&D and Digital Transformation Officer of the Teleperformance Group

João Cardoso has been CEO and Managing Director of Teleperformance Portugal since 2003 and a year ago became Member of the Executive Committee of the Teleperformance Group. He is the Chief R & D and Digital Integration Officer of the Teleperformance Group.
He has more than 25 years of experience in the areas of Contact Center and Customer Relationship Management.

He was one of the founders of Easyphone (later Altitude Software) where he held various leadership roles in R & D and was a member of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee as Executive VP Global Marketing and Strategy.

João Cardoso was one of the founders of the Portuguese Association of Contact Centers and President of the Association until 2008. He was also considered Personality of the Year in the Contact Center sector in Portugal twice in votes promoted by IFE.

Graduated in Computer Engineering and MBA from Universidade Nova de Lisboa, he holds a postgraduate degree in Product Management and Marketing from Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.

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