João Cardoso CEO of the company Teleperformance Portugal was interviewed by the newspaper “Público”. The article highlights Teleperformance’s recent earned prizes as well as TP Douro building, in Gaia, the first technological hub of the company in the North of the country.
João Cardoso CEO of the company Teleperformance Portugal confirmed in this interview that this first space in the North of Portugal will integrate 800 employees. According to the newspaper, Teleperformance, a French multinational specialized in customer service, was created in 1978 and has been in Portugal since 1994. With a presence in more than 80 countries, Teleperformance’s global team has about 300 thousand employees. From Portugal, the company works with more than a hundred national and international partners from different sectors of activity, providing services in 35 languages, from Arabic to Russian, from Danish to Slovenian.
Teleperformance: the best company to work for in Portugal
The article also highlights that Teleperformance’s trajectory has been recognized through several awards, with special emphasis on the “Best Company to Work for in Portugal”, awarded for the ninth time to the company by the Great Place to Work (GPTW) Institute, an entity that also awarded it the “Attraction of Young Talents” award in 2019.
Reference should also be made to the fact that the newspaper O Expresso and Caixa Geral de Depósitos recognized Teleperformance’s growth in Portugal, considering the company as the highest growth in the last three years in 2018.
João Cardoso: “We have been growing at an average of 33% per year”.
“Evolution is notorious. We have already invested 50 million euros in Portugal and over the last 15 years, we have grown an average of 33% per year, in a sustained manner”, said João Cardoso CEO of the company Teleperformance Portugal.
The newspaper also analyzes that Teleperformance has been broadening the range of services and revolutionizing the sector, based on the testimony of João Cardoso. “We are pioneers in the transformation of the business services sector. Five years ago – very much for the desire to support our partners globally – we began to expand our service offering based on the business services concept that encompasses customer experience management, with the administration of all back office services in the relationship with the end customer, and we also started the consulting area,” said the CEO of Teleperformance Portugal.
In the age of globalization, adds Público, the companies that hire outsourcing services for customer support, appreciate a careful and personalized service. About the skills of Teleperformance’s employees and the training offered by the company, the text quotes João Cardoso again: “Our employees are champions of the client, and the client is the center of our company culture”.

Continuous training
Accordingly to the newspaper, Teleperformance integrates all its employees in a continuous training program and promotes weekly optimization discussion groups to meet the need of knowing its clients better. As CEO in Portugal, João Cardoso intends to continue to promote this corporate culture that has provided the company’s success. “In addition to the training we provide to all Teleperformance Portugal employees, we have several internal initiatives to enhance human capital that are part of our DNA”, said the CEO.
The article states that the company encourages career progression, stimulating teams to take on new responsibilities and to invest in the development of new skills. “JUMP!, for example, is our internal development program, created to identify and prepare the great potential of our employees to assume leadership positions within the company. Through this program, more than 80% of Teleperformance Portugal’s employees were promoted and managed to develop their careers”, explained João Cardoso CEO of the company Teleperformance Portugal.
With so many employees, sometimes from so many different backgrounds, the company also promotes the balance between professional and personal life. Teleperformance has created a kind of club for employees and their families, providing social interaction through sports, cultural events and workshops, said Público.
4.500m2 overlooking the Douro
The Gaia building TP Douro was another highlighted item in the article. Inaugurated in January 2018, it represents a pole of attraction for new business partners, national and international, and for new employees. Strategically located close to the main communication routes, the building hosts 800 jobs, considers the newspaper also quoting João Cardoso: “The support of Vila Nova de Gaia City Hall, which has walked side by side with Teleperformance since the beginning of the project, contributed greatly to the final decision to create this new centre of operation. We also know that there is a lot of value and talent in this area and that’s what we’re looking for”, he concludes.
About the future, the national CEO expects changes that will accompany the technological transformation that is happening in the markets and, consequently, in the companies. The type of relationship with the end customer has changed, the online contact platforms have brought some changes to the way Teleperformance companies operate. According to João Cardoso, “it is expected an increasingly personalized and multichannel service. the ambition is to continue to grow in a positive and sustained way, leading the sector in terms of innovation and continuous improvement”.