Healthy Habits: keep your health and well being in check even if your home is your office.

At Teleperformance Portugal, we make sure all employees have access to a healthy lifestyle. We supply free healthy food – soup, salad, bread, and fruit – to promote healthy habits for all employees. This healthy mindset reflects on the several initiatives and actions Teleperformance Portugal has at all sites to promote healthy living.

If you are working from home 24/7, how can you maintain this lifestyle? By keeping the same routine, you had at the office. Sometimes this task can be too hard to uphold. Unlike the office, at home, we feel too comfortable, and there’s plenty of food available. In some cases, sometimes, some anxiety or stress kicks in, and we can go around all day and sack the fridge several times. Since now, Teleperformance can be by your side, motivating you to keep a healthy lifestyle; you have to do it by yourself.

Health Habits

So you must keep your motivation up, stick to healthy habits by following 5 actions on your daily routine:

Don’t work near the kitchen
Avoid being near the kitchen so your mind can be focus on work. If your fridge it’s always in your line of vision, you’ll be eating all the time. Make clear that the kitchen is only to be at specif times to prep your meals.

Plan your snacks and meal times
Just as you schedule and plan your day, establish when throughout the day you’re going to eat. And if you like to have a snack in the late afternoon, plan for that as well. Treat food like you would in the office.

Focus on real food
Balanced, nutritious food makes us more productive. It keeps us fuller longer and helps us focus. Understand that what you are eating will impact your mood and energy level. Focus on protein, fiber, healthy fats, fruits and veggies.

Drink plenty of water
Dehydration can lead to headaches and fatigue, which are both not good for your productivity. Just as you’d fill up a water bottle at the office to keep at your desk, keep water next to your work station at home too.

Be careful of too much caffeine
Having too much coffee might seem like a great idea, but tread carefully when it comes to caffeine. Too much is known to cause headaches, anxiety, digestive issues and even fatigue. Aim for no more than two cups of coffee per day!

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