Is your day too busy that you barely get the chance to do some exercise? Yes, that happens to us, too.

At Teleperformance Portugal we put together some workouts so you can exercise and improve your well-being! You just have to take a few minutes of your day to do it without leaving your desk.

After doing this break you will definitely feel better. Exercise reduces stress levels and increases your concentration.


Ready? Let’s do this:


Extend your arms, fingers and wrists. Then open the palm of the hand for 10 seconds.


Straighten your arms, flexing your fingers. Then open and close your hands.


Rotate your body and neck, to both sides.


Flex your leg back and hold your foot with the corresponding arm, allowing the extension of the gluteus.


Rest your foot on the top of your leg, rotating the outside of your thigh for 20 seconds. Repeat the same movements on the other leg.


Cross your right leg over your left leg. Pull the thigh with your left hand and turn the torso to the left. Hold the position for 20 seconds and then repeat the same movements to the other side.


Flex the dorsum of your foot.


Align your lower back by bending your upper body for 10 seconds.

Don’t stand still all day! Rapid and simple stretches can make all the difference in the blood circulation. At Teleperformance Portugal we care about the health of our team. Therefore, we created the TP Feel Well , a health and wellness programme that includes a number of consultations, workshops and other measures to ensure the well-being of all.


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