Are you looking for a job and it seems “too good to be true”? We show you how to avoid job search scams.
If you are looking for a job you need to be vigilant. Scams are everywhere and most of them are published on job posting sources. At Teleperformance Portugal, we care about your safety so, we deliver you some of the tools to protect you from these scams.
Trust your gut.
If your instincts make you feel that the opportunity isn’t trustful, you should reconsider apply. Likewise, if the job is “too good to be true” and tells you that “no experience is needed”, that’s usually a sign of a scam. In our company, recruiters know that every job is a singular one and has some specific requirements you need to fill. In our job opportunities, we tell you all you need to know.

A job interview and resume are ALWAYS necessary.
Imagine you are looking for a job and receive a call from a supposed recruiter who claims to be so impressed by your resume and says he doesn’t need to talk with you. Alert! Is probably a scam. Most of the trustful companies do as Teleperformance Portugal: we call if you voluntarily applied to a job role.
Verify the recruiter’s identity and possible warnings.
For those looking for a job, research about the company and the recruiter is a must. A simple Google search should provide you all the tools you need to find any possible warning left by other searchers. If they are supposedly hiring for a legitimate employer, the contact information provided should reflect that. At Teleperformance, we like to be clear. Here, you will know everything about us and some employees’ true testimonials.

Don’t provide any sensitive information.
You should avoid responding to requests for personal information. At Teleperformance, we first contact you, to know if you are available for an interview, and so on. All the correct procedures are followed by our company to prevent any doubts. So, you shouldn’t answer any requests regarding sensitive and private information, such as your birthday date, Social Security Number and/or bank account while looking for a job. If a company is really interested in your skills, you’ll be the one to provide feedback face to face.
Companies such as Teleperformance, generate more feedback, and the reason isn’t a secret. With so much employed talent, our goal is to keep growing and for that to happen one ingredient is essential: transparency. This means testimonials, online evaluations and whatever is available to show you who we are. Hopefully, this will help you to know us better, looking for a job with us or prepare for your next job interview.
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