Work from home routine: is it possible to manage productivity while working at home? Definitely!


Work form home routine is been essential since many businesses request their employees to work from home. This is a significant change, and it’s important to acknowledge how difficult this can be and how vital a work from home routine is.

For some employees work from home is a dream come true, as for others, it can be a pretty challenging transition. What we know for a fact is that remaining focused in a space that is typically associated with relaxation and non-working activities can be pretty tricky. Especially when you’re surrounded by various distractions such as Netflix, social media, and chill, so it’s essential to have a work from home routine and stick to it.

If you are new to working at home, being away from the office, and your colleagues can be pretty tricky. Our mind associates the office as a productive environment where we’re the focus, so our mind may take a while to associate your home as a “work” space.

Let’s go through some 5 simple ways to keep productive and motivated:

work from routine
Have a clear routine 

You probably have heard this multiple times, and that’s why it works. Having a schedule allows you to organize your day or week visually. This means you know exactly the tasks you need to do for the day, and your mind stays focused on it.

keep in touch
Keep in touch regularly

you’re isolated working at home you need to communicate multiple times to keep in mind that you’re working as a team. So make sure you join weekly calls with your team, do some checkpoints with colleagues, and keep the communication going.

Have effective breaks

you did breaks at the office, right? So you must keep that routine: take your lunch break and give yourself a few mini-breaks throughout the day. This way, you can stop your brain for a couple of minutes and return to work more focused.

Be positive and learn something new

While you’re adapting to work at home, your days can look like an infinite loop. Rest assured, it will pass, and it helps if you keep positive and make an effort to keep yourself motivated. Enroll in those courses you would like to do, but never got the time until now.

Keep work and personal separate

Having all going on the same space may confuse your mind. We know that it’s hard to separate your work time from your free time. That’s why having a schedule it’s crucial. Make sure you respect your routine, so when it’s time, you can properly rest.

Working from home during this time may be challenging, but try to make the most of it. Remember that it takes time to get used to this new reality, so give yourself some time to adjust to your new life. Be positive and try to find the method that works best for you, there’s no right formula.

See more how companies are adapting to this new era of working from home, and also check all the job opportunities Teleperfomance can offer you.

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