Contact center recruitment is increasingly effective and creative. The Bring a Friend program is one of those opportunities where everyone wins. You can refer a friend, and if he’s hired, you’re not only helping him, but will also earning a bonus of up to 2500 Euros!
The Bring a Friend program that Teleperformance has implemented is an innovative way to enhance contact center recruitment workflow. It’s a very simple challenge: any employee of the company can refer a friend and, if he or she joins the Teleperformance team, earn a bonus that can reach 2500 Euros!
The values are very attractive and can vary depending on the recruitment needs. In general, for more common languages, such as English, the values are lower, but still a great incentive. For less known languages, the values are really significant.
In other words, everyone benefits. Teleperformance gets contacts to hire well referenced people, the employee gets a bonus and helps a friend and the latter, of course, finds a job.
Innovation in contact center recruitment
To track the process, Teleperformance provides all the related information on its platform. You can then follow step by step the application of the person you suggested. This person will be contacted according to the needs of the company, but through the Teleperformance platform you are able to know if the process is running, if your friend has already started training and if he or she has finally been hired.
There is no limit to the number of friends you can refer. But of course, the applications need to make sense. Teleperformance expects its employees to already have a solid knowledge of the company and, therefore, to be able to refer valid people. The employee himself has an interest in this, so that the application can result in hiring and thus receive the bonus.
For Teleperformance, the fastest growing company in Portugal, the contact center recruitment needs are high. At the moment, the Portuguese subsidiary has around 10 thousand people and places constant job opportunities in several languages.

Everybody wins
We are talking about a very dynamic company, not only because of the growth levels demonstrated in recent years, but also because of the constant bet on the satisfaction of its employees. Teleperformance has already been considered the best company to work for in Portugal nine times, which shows the commitment in creating the best working conditions for its workforce.
In short, this is another incentive program for Teleperformance employees, which has the merit of benefiting everyone involved. If you need more information, you can access your personal platform in the company and there you will find more details about the whole process.
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