LinkedIn profile is probably the first two words you will be hearing from a recruiter when applying for a new job.

This is how important it is for you to have the best LinkedIn profile possible, even when you are not looking for your next job opportunity! Why? Because you never know when the recruiter from your dream job will be researching for a new talented professional to join the team.

But if you are actually out there, in this really competitive and stimulating job market, checking for the next step to develop your career, your LinkedIn profile should have your full attention. It should be your best presentation letter, with all the details about your job qualifications, education and skills!

As you can see, you might not only be missing job opportunities every day, but also losing the opportunity to increase your visibility online, building your professional brand!

Don’t wait any longer! Start getting noticed by recruiters with these 5 amazing tips to your LinkedIn profile!

LinkedIn profile

1 – Highlight your Experience in your LinkedIn profile!

The first thing to keep in mind – the more complete your LinkedIn profile is, the better the odds that recruiters will find you. Therefore, you should highlight your work experience in the best way possible. Don’t forget to use all your creativity in the headline of the summary – it is right at the top of the page and will catch the recruiter’s eye. Also, include all your courses, languages and extra skills certifications.

2 – Pick a good and professional picture

LinkedIn is a professional social media network. Choose your profile pictures accordingly! It’s known that an image is worth more than a thousand words so, forget about your “party animal” pictures with friends! That is the perfect content for your other social media profiles. For your LinkedIn profile you should choose a clear, friendly and professional image. If you are not sure what a professional picture should look like, do some market research! Go check what some of the people working in the same industry you want to enter and see what kind of images they have. Some experts also advise to choose a picture in which you are actually working.

LinkedIn profile
LinkedIn profile

3 – Recommendations, recommendations, recommendations!

This is one of the words to keep in mind! Take your time and ask for recommendations to all the professionals you have already work with! Each recommendation you get, the more reliable you will seem to the recruiter’s eyes! This is one of the things that will have more importance in your LinkedIn profile. However, keep in mind that spontaneous recommendations are rare. How to get them? Start giving them! When you attest someone’s qualifications for a certain role, you increase 90% the chance of being endorsed back

4– Include volunteer experience and hobbies

Recruiters are not looking for robots! Behind each LinkedIn profile is a real human with real passions and interests. Therefore, include in your LinkedIn profile information about your volunteer experiences, about your hobbies and interests. They will show the other side of you and will increase your chances of being hired.

LinkedIn profile

5 – Be excited!

Make sure your LinkedIn profile shows how excited you are to embrace a new professional challenge! Search for groups that are interested in your field of expertise and join them. Keep yourself updated with the latest developments and participate in sharing articles, news and examples of your work.

Take a moment to be in the recruiters’ shoes: would you rather hire an excited and participative candidate or someone who’s nowhere to be found within the LinkedIn sphere?


Ready to start your next professional challenge? Check the job opportunities at Teleperformance Portugal!

Also, here’s the company’s LinkedIn page with some job opportunities.

If you enroll in a recruitment process soon, you should also read these articles:

Questions to ask in a job interview – your turn!

Top interview questions you need to know

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