Norwegians in Portugal are an increasingly larger and well-adapted community.
The number of Norwegians in Portugal is growing. Like other communities, people from that Scandinavian country are increasingly looking to Portugal as an excellent option for living and working.
Without doubt, one of the country’s main attributes, especially for those coming from Northern Europe, is the temperate climate. Portugal is sunny but with mild temperatures most of the year. And this will always be a change in the quality of life for those arriving from traditionally cold and cloudy countries.
This will partly explain the growing community of Norwegians in Portugal, but is obviously not enough to make the decision to change countries. There are other aspects that have motivated this movement.
1 – An agreement on taxes between both countries determines that they can only be paid in one of them, thus avoiding double taxation.
2 – Excessive bureaucracy and delays in decision-making, factors that we sometimes have to deal with in Portugal, can be easily overcome with the support of the company we will be working for. In the case of Teleperformance, we provide a specialized team to give all the support for change and facilitate integration.
You can find very useful information about the change process on this link from the Norwegian Embassy in Portugal:
3 – The Norwegian community has been organizing itself. The Norwegian club in Portugal is the ideal place to establish a network of contacts. In addition, this community aims to help the transition and promote good experiences in the new country.
Joining the group is free and you can do it easily through the following Facebook page:

4 – Gastronomy. First of all, Norwegians in Portugal are well able to enjoy the fantastic local gastronomy, which, among many and varied options, also includes lots of fish alternatives. But if you want to find typical Norwegian gastronomy, you can check the following website, where you will find several suggestions:
At this address you will find many other tips and advice to make the most out of Portugal. And you can establish a network of contacts and socialization to help you a lot in the integration, better understanding the Portuguese mentality and the the Portuguese way of life.
This website also organizes regular events with Norwegian expats, again with the aim of promoting an easy adaptation to the country.
5 – Finally, let’s talk about employment, as it is undoubtedly a central issue for those who want to live in the country.
Norwegians in Portugal may be confronted with more moderate wage levels in direct comparison with the country of origin, but the cost of living is also much lower. In that sense, this will not be an obstacle, as the quality of life fully justifies this change.
The problem of language could then arise. But there is in fact employment opportunities for Norwegians in Portugal, namely in Teleperformance Portugal.
The company has a business model based on multilingual hubs and provides services in 35 languages, including Norwegian. Thus, any person who speaks English and/or Norwegian will have no problem finding a job at Teleperformance Portugal, a company that has been considered Best Workplace in the country for nine times.
If you are really considering moving to Portugal, start by checking out our job opportunities.
And if you need further information on the company, please read the following posts.