Portugal is probably the best country to work for when it comes to the millennials generation. The search for experiences, which characterizes this age group, and the priority it gives to the balance between personal and professional life, points to Portugal as a destination of choice for those seeking a successful career. It’s a friendly country with a good climate. At the same time is technologically prepared for the challenges the future will bring.
Much has been said about the relevance of the millennials generation and also about their profile, which has been subject to different interpretations. Is it possible to typify an entire generation with a few clichés? Probably not! But there are signs that recognize these natives of the late twentieth century and that legitimize the idea that Portugal is the best country to work in, considering the specific behaviors and needs of these youngsters.

The best country to work in? Portugal, of course!
The first point to mention is the search for experiences. This is unquestionable in millennials generation and something that Portugal can easily provide. A true Atlantic Experience full of beaches and natural landscapes, including the wonderful Serra da Estrela, near Covilhã, the maritime flavours of Setúbal or the impressive cities of Porto and Lisbon. Everything contributes to a truly rewarding stay.
Another of the characteristics most pointed out to milleniums is their concern with savings, which again makes Portugal the best country to work in, since it is still a cheap place to live. In fact, millennials are known for having changed their consumption priorities. The driving license, for example, was an absolute priority for previous generations; it does not seem to be the case with the millennials.
When it comes to home ownership, millennials also seem to be less willing to take responsibility for a property early on. This is due to their inner style of living and also the social and economic environment. They leave their parents home later and delay the acquisition of a car or an apartment. They seek experiences.
Socio-economic context
One of the most relevant aspects to analyze is precisely the socio-economic context in which millennials live. It is a generation challenged by some disappointments: they studied, just to find few possibilities in their area of research or to be confronted with scenarios of low wages and increasing precariousness.
At this point, Portugal does not differ especially from the international context, but it is a country where the cost of living is more accessible. Considering that millennials are also pointed out as a generation that likes to save and then spend on their experiences, Portugal is once again an attractive destination.
In addition, there are companies that maintain high rates of hiring and provide numerous career opportunities, especially for those with multilingual skills. Check here the offers available at Teleperformance Portugal.

Connected and tolerant generation
Constant connection is also mandatory for millennials. Portugal is absolutely prepared for this need, with infrastructures of excellence in terms of the World Wide Web. And this is a generation that has become accustomed to being in contact with the whole world. This makes them much more tolerant of difference and cultural or ethnic diversity.
At Teleperformance this is exactly one of the essential premises considering its corporate and organizational culture. In Portugal alone, the company currently has more than 10,000 employees from 84 nationalities, providing services in 35 languages. Well, it’s time to say again that Portugal is the best country for millennials and, by the way, that Teleperformance will probably be the best company for that generation as well.
This diversity culture is in the company’s DNA and all the effort to balance personal and professional life, another element that Teleperformance Portugal is keen to integrate as a business philosophy, is also a high priority goal for millennials.
About the diversity at Teleperformance, consult this article:

Technological hubs
As already mentioned, Portugal is a country that is on the agenda, positioning itself increasingly as a technological hub of reference, endowed with the necessary infrastructure and the political and even social will to develop this aspect. Millennials are, by definition, a technological generation, always connected. Portugal, once again, comes as the best country to work. Take the example of the Web Summit, which has based the operation in the country for the coming years.
At this point, we must again highlight the advantages provided by Teleperformance Portugal. All the buildings, and there are 11 spread throughout Lisbon, Porto, Setúbal and Covilhã, are reference offices, endowed with the best working conditions in terms of environment and technological capacity.
Teleperformance: the best company to work for
For millennials, Portugal will be the best country to work in. And Teleperformance will be the best company. As an example, it’s worth to mention that Teleperformance Portugal has been recognized nine times as the best company to work for in Portugal by the Great Place to Work Institute. And is also recognized for its ability to provide “Work Life Balance” for the employees, another demand of this generation.
In addition, millennials stand out for their constant curiosity and some thirst for knowledge. Their professional life goals are to improve their qualifications. At Teleperformance, we can find training programs always available to employees, and also specific projects for career development, such as LEAP or JUMP. These are initiatives specially designed to provide opportunities within the company, answering directly to one of the most requested desires of millennials: career progression.
In Portugal, and specifically at Teleperformance, millennials will find what they need: experience and adventure, cultural diversity, professional and financial stability, opportunities for professional development and balance between personal life and the demands of a working career.
For more information, please consult the Teleperformance Portugal career opportunities.
You can also consult the history of the company.
And also the recognitions about the best company to work for.
Or the fact that it is the company with the highest levels of growth in Portugal.