Today, we live in a digital world and Teleperformance company is adapting to it. However, the history of human civilization can be divided into three revolutions.

The first revolution emerged with the age of Agriculture in which the most important capital is the land. The second with the Industrial Revolution, having as its main symbols the factories and the production systems. The third wave is the age of Information, where technological innovation transforms society through the digitalization of the analogue economy.
Today we are moving towards a fourth step, a new Renaissance. A new phase where human ideals, concerns and desires, will once more redefine our future. The engine of globalization has accelerated this trend. In the face of challenges such as global warming, poverty and terrorism, humanity reunites around deeply rooted values, such as the protection of the environment, culture, heritage and solidarity.
Recently we have seen several changes that are fast and violent, such as the financial collapse of markets, creating more unemployment and poverty, growing pollution and climate change. The economic power moves away from the richer countries of the West, with slower growth rates, to the Far Eastern markets and mechanical technology gives rise to a digital society, where the internet and intelligent computing networks, profoundly change the relationship between producers and consumers. If in the past 60 years, companies have changed their focus from products to consumers. Today we are witnessing a further transformation, in response to macroeconomic changes and like every organization, Teleperformance company has to adapt.
”If in the past 60 years, companies have changed their focus from products to consumers, today we are witnessing a further transformation, in response to macroeconomic changes.
Companies are increasingly focused on the values of humanity, by understanding the close interdependence between profitability and social responsibility. With democracy or without it, there is no place for isolated or self-sufficient market operators. Everything is a global matrix. With the emergence of a new economic order, and with the rise of the digital era, the real shareholders of companies` are without a doubt the consumers, who demand to be inspired and protected. They decide which companies live and die.
Recently, while attending an important prize awards ceremony in Customer Experience Management, I noted with pride but also with a touch of disappointment, that although several dozens of companies had participated, only two had nominations in the category of “social responsibility”. One of those companies was Teleperformance Portugal.
Ricardo Fernandes, Chief Business Development Officer
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