Content moderation in the metaverse is a growing concern among companies and brands that have a presence in this new reality.

We don’t know yet the metaverse’s real potential, but it will surely bring even more complex challenges. These ones related to data privacy and its social impacts. Consequently, content moderation comes in, as a regulating intermediary. Let’s get to know more about this topic! 

What is metaverse? 

Metaverse is a type of virtual world that simulates reality on digital devices. It is a collective and virtual space made up of the sum of virtual reality, augmented reality, and the internet. The metaverse creates the possibility to enter in a kind of parallel reality. There, a person can have an immersive experience in another universe or life. 

Nevertheless, this technology is not just for gaming or entertainment. It also offers fantastic business opportunities for companies. It can be a vehicle for brands to build more meaningful relationships with their consumers. Also, as a tool to improve education and training, financial services, travel, and healthcare, or to enhance the work experience. 

Content moderation in metaverse: a key role 

As on the internet and social media, the anonymity and online culture can bring out the worst in many people. Cyberbullying, hateful peer activity, trolling, sexual messages, harassment, privacy violation, and financial fraud are just some examples. As such, the metaverse can perpetuate this kind of inappropriate behaviour. 

Content moderation in metaverse
Consequently, to build strong customer relationships via the metaverse, you need to ensure security and trust. So, to avoid these cybersecurity risks, it is important to map out an effective content moderation strategy, including: 
  • Live moderation by chat, audio, or video; 
  • Fraud detection and anti-fraud enforcement; 
  • Ad safety and moderation; 
  • User/player harm protection; 
  • Real-time monitoring, reporting, and resolution. 

These are just a few ideas when defining a strategy. It is also important to define technology and human’s roles in content moderation.   

Technology and humans: shared moderation 

Today, content moderation is performed between humans and machines. Although technology can perform initial and effective filtering of content, it doesn’t understand the ideas of context and tone yet. This is where humans come into play, making a final and careful content selection that can be shared. Therefore, to be successful, human content moderation teams should be diverse. Also, they should represent as many backgrounds, experiences, and racial diversity as possible, to help mitigate bias in AI.   

At Teleperformance we are at the forefront of the metaverse movement, embracing the future into the next phase of digital transformation. 

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